In honor of Earth Day I am having a giveaway for a free Organic Onesie. There are 10 styles to choose from. All you have to do is pop over to my store by clicking HERE and let me know which organic onesie is your favorite. Due to receiving many entries in the past without e-mail addresses you must enter your e-mail address in the post or it will not count. Please enter like this:
info at littlepiddles dot com
No blog required, just a valid e-mail address. Any duplicate entries will be deleted. If you mention this on your blog let me know or sign up for my Newsletter to receive an e-mail for future giveaways you will also recieve an extra entry. If there is something you'd like to see offered as a future giveaway let me know. Giveaway ends April 25th at 11:59pm. I will post winner's name as well as contact them through e-mail. Winner must respond within 4 days of e-mail.
From now till April 28th enter code EARTHDAY during checkout to receive 15% OFF all orders. Remember Mother's Day is only a few weeks away!
Greetings, Your onesies are very cute! I would choose the "Environmentally Friendly!" Thanks for sponsoring such a fun contest.
I appreciate it. Cindi
Sleep All Day... Party All Night!
Thanks for the giveaway.
karin56381 at gmail dot com
Hi! They are all so cute; it is hard to choose just one. Yet, I find the Homemade onesie the most appealing! Jessica jgsjensen at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the chance to win! I subscribe to your newsletter and I'll add a link to your site from my blog.
sukesgirl at yahoo dot com
"My Stroller is a Hybrid"
Incredibly cute!
These are wonderful. I like "Eat, Sleep, Poop". Thank you.
MLgrandma AT yahoo DOT com
I've signed up for the newsletter. Thank you.
MLgrandma AT yahoo DOT com
Enviromentally Friendly
is my favorite and would be perfect for my 5 mo old adopted grandson John
we are trying to change our "rainbow ways" and be more Green!
Angie Williams
I love the Sleep All Day.Party All Night onesie! Such a cute owl :)
Please enter me twice as I've blogged about it HERE :) Thanks!
Hope and you and your girls are doing great, Jennifer!
bunnybox9 [at] gmail [dot]com
Cute Onesies, my favorites are
My Stroller is a Hybrid
Sleep All Day... Party All Night
Hugs, Danette
danetteb at sunvillas.no-ip dot com
My Stroller is a Hybrid is my favorite!!
Love these! I favor the 100%organic, homemade, or I'm with the band. We have been gong green-slowly-even with our church, and daddy is a musician. It's too hard to chose just one. I am already on your newsletter list and subscribe too. I will try to link to this at my blog today! Thanks!
loripowell at gmail dot com
Adorable onesies! My favorite is "My Mom Is Hotter Than Yours".
Thank You!
liliya2705 at yahoo dot com
I like Environmentally Friendly and Homemade the best!
email is on my sidebar
love the Bald Is Beautiful!!
moore.g at insideconnect.net
I like the "Homemade" one.
I like My Mom Is Hotter Than Yours
dolls123 at gmail dot com
there allso cute but i take sleep all day up all night
Oh, they are so cute...its hard to decide...
I like the "My stroller is a hybrid"..."eat,sleep,poop"
and "my mom is hotter than your mom"
Oh heck...I like 'em all!
Thanks for all of these fun giveaways and the introductions to all of the fun blogs out there.
Homemade is my favorite onesie!
ddavison at woh dot rr dot com
I think these oneies are sooooooo Cute. I can't decide on the 100% Organic or Home Made. I would pick size 12 to 18 Months and give it to my Niece. Good Luck to all.
3elwood at comcast dot net
I like all of them so it is difficult to choose just one! My favorite onsie is probably the Eat.Sleep.Poop one. Very funny. I like it a lot. I'd love to win. Please count me in.
ihchicky at gmail dot come
Sleep all day, party all night. So cute, and more often than not, so TRUE!
tebayc at yahoo dot com
Great onesies! I would pick the Eat. Sleep. Poop. or the My stroller is a hybrid. both cool!
f.allievi at gmail dot com
Hi, Jennifer!
I love the Hybrid Stroller one~ too cute!
I'll post about this on my blog for a 2nd chance to win.
heidistrawser at hotmail dot com
Too Cute!! HOMEMADE is my favorite.
l.r.c.g at sbcglobal dot net
I LOVE the backseat driver onesie!!! ;)
andraya3 at yahoo dot com
I like Environmentally Friendly!
taradawnrobertson at hotmail dot com
I like the one that says homemade.
Laura of Harvest Lane
lane dot family at yahoo dot com
love the homemade
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I LOVE the bald is beautiful onesie for my little bald 4 week old!
tuesdayef(at) aol (dot) com
I love the Enviromentally friendy one! Thanks for the giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
i love "homemade!"
"Homemade" is my favorite. My son's birthday is April 22nd Earth Day he will be 2.
Thanks for the giveaway.
acebrenda at embarqmail dot com
I like the "My mom is hotter than yours" Very cute stuff!
I like the environmentally friendly one the best! THanks.
lucycontest at gmail.com
Hi. I checked out the Organic onesies and my favorite is the one that says "Homemade". How cute is that!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter!!
sent e-mail address via e-mail
Ohhh they are all so adorable, but I think the "I'm With The Band" one has to be my favorite!!! My little rocker dude would look awesome in that :-)
thanks for a great giveaway!
OMG the Homemade onesie is just too cute!
My e-mail is:
kristinialeanna @ yahoo. com
These are adorable - this http://www.littlepiddles.com/osleepparty.html (sleep all day, party all night) is my absolute favorite!!
I have an adorable nephew who would love to wear one of your creations!
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