Thursday, October 4, 2007

Apples Anyone...

So today was my youngest daughter, Ashley's, first class trip. I'm still having a hard time believing she's even in preschool since she's my baby. We went apple picking and she had a blast. Of course she picked a ton so now I need to figure out things to make with them. Any one have any good recipes, for warning I am not a good cook unless you want a good grill chesse that is my speciality:) I was thinking maybe I'll make applesauce or attempt an apple pie, who knows. Easy recipes welcome:)


Kathryn said...

Apple Crisp! It's so good warm with vanilla ice cream... :)

Little Piddles said...

Can you send me the recipe? Ashley made applesauce in school and loved it so I looked online and found an easy recipe. I still will have a ton of apples to make more stuff with. Thanks!